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14. Asset Pipelines and Formats

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13. Assets

13.1. Running the Tools

The Turbulenz SDK includes a selection of tools for you, the developer, to include in your development process. The majority of Turbulenz tools are written in Python and are versatile and platform independent. Here is a list of available tools:


Converts Collada format files exported from modeling packages to JSON format.


Converts CgFX format shaders to JSON format.


Converts a material to JSON format.


Converts an effect to JSON format.


Generates a TAR file for binary assets referenced from a JSON asset.


Merges JSON asset files.


Generates a .tzjs or .js file from JavaScript source and optionally optimizes the output.


Generates an HTML page to load and run code that has been built with maketzjs. Optionally receives custom HTML to override some or all of the default HTML template (not required).


Convert XML assets into a structured JSON asset.


Report metrics on JSON asset files.


Generate a plain text or HTML output from a JSON asset.


The cgfx2json tool is an executable and is not run in the same way as the python tools. See Convert a CgFX Shader to JSON.

To run a Python tool:

  1. Click on the Run environment shortcut in start menu to start the virtual environment

  2. Run:


    (where TOOLNAME is replaced with one of the above tools and ARGS are the arguments for the tool)

  3. If you run the tool without arguments it will print out the available options to the command line


For this section, we will assume that all commands are run from the *SDKINSTALLDIR* where:

*GAMEDIR*: *SDKINSTALLDIR*/apps/sampleapp

13.2. Using the Asset Viewer

The viewer can be used to rapidly view game assets and it has a collection of options that can be used to debug the asset.

An asset can be opened in the viewer, by opening the View Asset panel in the local development server.


See more details on the viewer functionality in the Tools section: Viewer.


The Asset Viewer requires the Turbulenz Engine to be installed to use. The viewer is compatible with the same version of the engine that is included in the SDK.

13.3. Using the Asset Disassembler

The asset Disassembler tool allows you to view the asset JSON tree and navigate through it.

The Disassembler can be accessed through the Metrics list with the game assets requested, by clicking on one of the JSON assets.

The disassembled JSON tree view can then be controlled using depth, list culling and dictionary culling options.

When the current asset is referencing other JSON assets in its properties, they can be opened in the Disassembler through the hyperlinks provided in the tree view.


See more details on the disassembler in the Tools section: Disassembler.

13.4. Convert a Collada Model to JSON

To convert a Collada model in .dae format, we will use the dae2json tool. For this example you can either use one of your own assets or an asset provided with the Turbulenz SDK. We will use duck.dae which can be found in assets/models.

  1. Click on the Run environment shortcut in start menu to start the virtual environment

  2. Run:

    dae2json -i assets/models/duck.dae -o apps/sampleapp/staticmax/duck.dae.json

    The resulting file will be called “duck.dae.json”, which is the model converted to JSON format. This file can now be loaded directly by the Turbulenz Engine.


An in-depth example of how to load a scene with assets can be found in the “load model” sample. Alternatively, Protolib provides a simple asset loading and scene management framework that will quickly get you up and running.


If you would like to view the JSON file in a human readable form, add the option -j SIZE, where SIZE is the indent in spaces. The output is now easy to read and debug in a text editor:

dae2json -j 4 -i assets/models/duck.dae -o apps/sampleapp/staticmax/duck.dae.json

In most cases we have .dae assets that contain more than just geometry data, for example animation and physics data. The dae2json tool has options that allow certain data to be extracted. You can attempt to extract certain data from your asset or in this example, extract the animation data from the Seymour.dae asset:

  1. Setup the environment as before

  2. Run:

    dae2json -I animations -i assets/models/Seymour.dae -o apps/sampleapp/staticmax/Seymour_animation_only.dae.json

The resulting file contains only the Seymour.dae animations. For more detail on animation, see the animation samples.

13.5. Convert a CgFX Shader to JSON

To convert a shader written in the CgFX file format, we will use the cgfx2json tool. One difference between this tool and other Turbulenz tools is that cgfx2json is a native executable. Turbulenz provide a selection of default shaders to use with the different renderers. We will convert the source shader asset generic3D.cgfx as an example:

  1. Setup the environment as before

  2. Run:

    "tools/bin/*PLATFORM*/cgfx2json" -i assets/shaders/generic3D.cgfx -o apps/sampleapp/staticmax/generic3D.cgfx.json

The shader can now be loaded and used by the Turbulenz Engine. You can now make modifications to existing shaders and also creating your own. You can try editing the source of the shaders that are used in some of the samples, then build the shader using cgfx2json and test the result using the sample code.

13.6. Add Assets to an Archive

For most text-based formats supported by Turbulenz conversion tools there is an either a compression or optimization option available. For binary files there is an optional json2tar that looks for the references in a JSON file and archives the binary files. This could potentially allow compression, but mainly locates the resources and groups them together. For this example we will use the duck.dae. To archive the resources, you should perform the following steps:

  1. Click on the Run environment shortcut in start menu to start the virtual environment

  2. (Only if required, if you need to rebuild the duck) Run:

    dae2json -i assets/models/duck.dae -o apps/sampleapp/staticmax/duck.dae.json
  3. Run:

    json2tar -i apps/sampleapp/staticmax/duck.dae.json -o apps/sampleapp/staticmax/duck.tar -a assets


In this example the asset path specified by the -a option points to the root asset folder because the resources in duck.dae are relative to that folder, for example reference “textures/duck.png”. Other references in different files might be relative to the asset itself. The tool is flexible and allows you to modify the path to suit the way you generate assets.

13.7. Loading Assets Using Callbacks

One very important part of creating a game for the browser is requesting assets and data from servers. This is one example of when callbacks are used in the engine. This topic will cover how to construct a callback and wait for the result before continuing the logic.


For this example we are going to create two new files, one called asset_loading.js and one called asset_loading.html

Start by creating the asset_loading.js file with the following contents:

/*{{ javascript("jslib/utilities.js") }}*/
/*{{ javascript("jslib/camera.js") }}*/
/*{{ javascript("jslib/drawprimitives.js") }}*/

TurbulenzEngine.onload = function onloadFn()
    if (!TurbulenzEngine.version)
        // No version is available, terminating early

    // Create the GraphicsDevice interface with no parameters
    var graphicsDeviceParameters = { };
    var graphicsDevice = TurbulenzEngine.createGraphicsDevice(graphicsDeviceParameters);

    // Create the MathDevice interfaces with no parameters
    var mathDeviceParameters = { };
    var mathDevice = TurbulenzEngine.createMathDevice(mathDeviceParameters);

    // The draw variables
    var draw = null;
    var camera = Camera.create(mathDevice);

    var clearColor = [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0];


    var intervalID;
    function loadingLoopFn()

    // Call the loadingLoopFn, 10 fps
    intervalID = TurbulenzEngine.setInterval(loadingLoopFn, 1000 / 10);

    function destroyFn()
        // Clear the interval

        camera = null;
        draw = null;
        clearColor = null;



    TurbulenzEngine.onunload = destroyFn;

You may also need to copy the jslib directory from the install dir into your project directory.

As you can see from reading this file we have a section where we will eventually request files (using callbacks) and a loadingLoopFn to perform a task while we wait for the assets to arrive (such as drawing a loading screen). To request an asset to load, we will use both the request function on the Native Engine interface (for shaders) and createTexture interface on the GraphicsDevice. These two methods have slightly different ways of performing callbacks. This code needs to go after the REQUEST ASSETS HERE comment:

// This will be our counter to detect when our assets have been loaded
var totalAssetsRemaining = 0;

// Create empty arrays to insert the assets into
var textures = {};
var shaders = {};

// List of material parameters
var materialParams = [];

// Function called when a shader is loaded
function shaderLoadedCallback(jsonData)
    // Shader data passed to function as a JSON object
    if (jsonData)
        var shaderParameters = JSON.parse(jsonData);
        shaders[] = graphicsDevice.createShader(shaderParameters);
        totalAssetsRemaining -= 1;

// Create the parameters to load a texture.
// In this case the "onload" callback is passed as a parameter
var crateTextureParameters =
    src     : "textures/crate.jpg",
    mipmaps : true,
    onload  : function (texture)
                textures[this.src] = texture;
                totalAssetsRemaining -= 1;

// Create the parameters to load a texture.
// In this case the "onload" callback is passed as a parameter
var stonesTextureParameters =
    src     : "textures/stones.jpg",
    mipmaps : true,
    onload  : function (texture)
                textures[this.src] = texture;
                totalAssetsRemaining -= 1;

// Create the parameters to load a texture.
// In this case the "onload" callback is passed as a parameter
var brickTextureParameters =
    src     : "textures/brick.png",
    mipmaps : true,
    onload  : function (texture)
                textures[this.src] = texture;
                totalAssetsRemaining -= 1;

// 2x Shaders, 3x Textures
totalAssetsRemaining = 5;

// Start texture load

// Start shader load
TurbulenzEngine.request("shaders/generic2D.cgfx.json", shaderLoadedCallback);
TurbulenzEngine.request("shaders/generic3D.cgfx.json", shaderLoadedCallback);

And add the destroy code to destroyFn after the DESTROY HERE comment:

textures = null;
shaders = null;
materialParams = null;

crateTextureParameters = null;
stonesTextureParameters = null;
brickTextureParameters = null;

While we are waiting for the assets to load, we will draw a colored background and keep checking the totalAssetsRemaining variable. When the variable is 0 we print the loaded asset list, initialize the new assets and set a new interval to call a new draw function drawTexturesFn. In the loadingLoopFn add the following code:

if (graphicsDevice.beginFrame())
    graphicsDevice.clear(clearColor, 1.0, 0.0);

if (totalAssetsRemaining === 0)

    // The technique we will use to draw the textures
    var technique2DName = "textured2D";
    var technique2D = null;
    var shader2D = null;

    var resultString = "Loaded:<br><dl><dt>Shaders</dt><dd><ul>";
    for(var s in shaders)
        if (shaders.hasOwnProperty(s))
            var shader = shaders[s];
            var technique = shader.getTechnique(technique2DName);
            if (technique)
                technique2D = technique;
                shader2D = shader;
            resultString += "<li>" + s + "</li>";
    resultString += "</ul></dd><dt>Textures</dt><dd><ul>";

    for(var t in textures)
        if (textures.hasOwnProperty(t))
            if (shader2D)
                materialParams[materialParams.length] = {
                    clipSpace: [2.0 / graphicsDevice.width, -2.0 / graphicsDevice.height, -1.0, 1.0],
                    diffuse: textures[t]};
            resultString += "<li>" + t + "</li>";
    resultString += "</ul></dd></dl>";

    if (shader2D)
        // Draw the textures if a 2D shader exists
        draw = DrawPrimitives.create(graphicsDevice, "shaders/");
        draw.setTechnique(technique2D, true);

    var outputElem = document.getElementById("output");
    if (outputElem)
        outputElem.innerHTML = resultString;

    // Draw at 30 fps
    TurbulenzEngine.setInterval(drawTexturesFn, 1000 / 30);

Now you will need to add a custom HTML template so that the output of the loading is shown in the page. Create a file called asset_loading.html and add the following:

/*{% extends "default" %}*/
/*{% block tz_app_title %}*/
Asset Loading
/*{% endblock %}*/
/*{% block tz_app_title_name %}*/
Asset Loading
/*{% endblock %}*/
/*{% block tz_app_html_controls %}*/
<div id="output"></div>
/*{% endblock %}*/

More information on templating see Templating and the Build Tools.


You may have noticed if you try and run this now, that there is a yellow background. This is because the assets don’t currently exist and we have not been able to load them yet. This screen will change when we have successfully loaded all assets.

When the assets have been loaded, we will draw the textures using the shaders we have just loaded. Create this function above the loadingLoopFn function:

function drawTexturesFn()
    if (graphicsDevice.beginFrame())
        graphicsDevice.clear([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0], 1.0, 0.0);
        if (draw)
            var length = materialParams.length;
            var dim = graphicsDevice.height / length;
            var posA = [0, 0];
            var posB = [dim, dim];

            for(var i = 0; i < length; i += 1)
                posA[1] = (dim * i);
                posB[1] = (dim * (i + 1));
                draw.update2DTex(posA, posB);


The only thing left to do is copy the assets we need to the respective folders and build them:


From *SDKINSTALLDIR*/assets/textures, copy files to these locations in the project working directory:

  • textures/crate.jpg
  • textures/stones.jpg
  • textures/brick.png


From *SDKINSTALLDIR*/assets/shader, compile the source shader files to these locations in the project working directory:

  • shaders/generic3D.cgfx.json
  • shaders/generic2D.cgfx.json

To compile the shaders you will need to use the cgfx2json tool. For more information see Convert a CgFX Shader to JSON


The Turbulenz JavaScript Library provides functionality for managing textures, shaders, resources etc, so those APIs are available to avoid having to request assets manually (as in this example). You should also check the “scene loading” sample, which demonstrates a method of loading a scene.

13.8. Considerations for Asset Serving

When developing browser-based games the method of accessing content can be drastically different to running a game locally. Turbulenz Technology combines the power of file serving technology with a hardware accelerated game engine. Managing the content is very important and if not specially optimized can be very inefficient. When you request files from Turbulenz servers, you should be interested in the following aspects:

Cache control:Browsers use caches to store requested files locally for reuse if identical requests are made again. They can be used to avoid unnecessary data transfer if the remote source file hasn’t changed. Server hosted Turbulenz applications will usually have a staticmax directory that should contain static files that change infrequently. Turbulenz servers will serve files in this directory with the intention of leaving them in the browser cache for as long as possible. Your control over a user’s browser cache is limited and you should be aware that it could be cleared at anytime. In the event of an emptied cache, all relevant data would need to be requested again from the server.
Grouping assets:
 The granularity of asset requests that Turbulenz Technology provides will allow you to request individual files, composite or merged files and packaged binaries. How you group assets depends on the type of assets you are using. For example, you may wish to group a model with its textures to provide a “complete” asset as a single file, ensuring that changes to other resources don’t effect this particular asset. You could do this as a composite file or binary package. At a higher level of grouping, mapping tables can be used to specify a list of assets you require to start a level.
Pipelining assets:
 Because a fine level of granularity is available for asset requests, more parallel requests can be made (possibly from multiple servers). This allows the browser to manage multiple requests simultaneously and the processing of assets can begin before all data is completely downloaded. Processing may reveal dependencies, which can also be requested in parallel.
Updating assets and adding new content:
 You may want to update an asset in the future, so Turbulenz Technology enables you to update that asset by using mapping tables. Mapping tables associate a source asset name with a specific converted asset file. By changing this mapping table you can point to an updated asset without modifying the source code. Adding new content is as simple as uploading a new asset to the server and requesting that asset from updated code. Careful grouping of assets is key to providing efficient updates.
Optional deferred loading:
 If your game requires an asset, but not until some point in the future, you can optionally write code that downloads that information at a more appropriate time. This could be based on progress through the game.
Total amount of available cache:
 Cache sizes vary between browsers so the expected size is not consistent. In some cases the amount of space is small resulting in differing loading performance between browsers. It is important to test multiple browsers to confirm the consistency of the gaming experience for all users. For this reason you should not rely on the cache functionality for the implementation of your game.
Reducing the time to start:
 You want to make sure the user can start playing the game as soon as possible. To achieve this you will need to structure your code and assets in such as way that you can download a minimum set of data and start running your game immediately. You will need to use some of the techniques mentioned above to do this, but the result should be an improved user experience.

13.9. Creating a Mapping Table

In the Turublenz engine, mapping tables are used to redirect requests for named assets to the actual available assets. Mapping tables can be used as:

  • A versioning system for assets, that essentially are the same entity.
  • A method of accessing converted files via their source asset name e.g. duck.dae is the source name, but the converted asset is duck.dae.json.
  • A method of implementing cache usage. By updating the mapping table, you can ensure alternative assets are loaded into the cache.

In order to deploy your game a mapping table is required as the Turbulenz Services use it in order to know which assets need to be deployed. Once in a deployed environment the Turbulenz Services alter the mapping table to point to the deployed assets.

An example mapping table JSON file looks like this:

    "version": 1.0,
    "urnmapping": {
        "textures/crate.jpg": "rOHfqp7mY3khNQCy245e1Jw.jpg",
        "models/cube.dae": "r3QnJu7UdYPC5LIy52dxSgw.json",
        "shaders/generic3D.cgfx": "rjxN8UefxjzRnqj85E-ylLA.json",
        "default.effects": "rQvPPmnvenV63V6xXpLK26Q.json",
        "shaders/standard.cgfx": "rkuK-8VukqwJ58gbxarF2fg.json",
        "default.materials": "rX2FUZffIpiNCu-aN2Hm6gQ.json",
        "shaders/generic2D.cgfx": "rgR4TUjrppkd8T3fxgQTIgw.json"

This file is essentially a pair of source asset names and processed asset names. The version refers the mapping table format number. When this file is requested in the game code it is converted to a JavaScript object, similar to those used by other mapping objects you may have seen in the sample code.

This code from the samples has a similar purpose:

// Create a mapping so that we're loading the processed assets
var mapping = {
    "shaders/defaultrendering.cgfx": "shaders/defaultrendering.cgfx.json",
    "shaders/standard.cgfx": "shaders/standard.cgfx.json",
    "shaders/debug.cgfx": "shaders/debug.cgfx.json",
    "models/duck.dae": "models/duck.dae.json"

textureManager.setPathRemapping(mapping, "");
shaderManager.setPathRemapping(mapping, "");
sceneLoader.setPathRemapping(mapping, "");

Once the mapping table is set for the shader manager, for example, any shaders that are requested by path “shaders/standard.cgfx” will be redirected to use “shaders/standard.cgfx.json”. In the example mapping table JSON file, you may have noticed the random characters used for each processed asset name. This is an example of a unique value to ensure that two generated versions of the source asset will not clash when stored in the cache.


Generating a unique asset name is an important step in using a mapping table. If two assets are identically named, but physically different, any requests for that asset will find the one stored in the browser cache and not the newer assets on the server. This would require a user to clear their browser cache, which is undesirable. Instead keeping a unique identifier based on a hash of the file contents is a suitable method of avoid this scenario.


Mapping table entries for the destination, processed asset names must be URL safe. The reason is that this is the name the file will be requested via the Local server. On the Turbulenz Hub, the mapping is processed and handled prior to hosting the files. If you chose to use a base64 encoding method to generate a unique hash of the file make sure it is URL safe. For example, python provides a URL safe base64 encoding method:


MappingTables support overloading the default map, via the optional overrides property. See the Mapping Table reference for details.

To explain how and why you should apply this optimization, the following steps will walk you through the process of creating your own mapping table for your application:

  1. Identify the assets that you are using in your game. For example the Sample App uses the following:
    • debug.cgfx
    • defaultrendering.cgfx
    • standard.cgfx
    • duck.png
    • duck.dae


It is important to notice that the files are not all requested in the same way. In this example the shaders are requested via the path “shaders/standard.cgfx”, where as the “textures/duck.png” is requested from the textures directory. Mapping tables can be used to map these different requests to a different directory structure or as a flat structure in the example mapping table.

  1. You should make a list of the names of the files as they are requested by the game code:
    • “shaders/debug.cgfx”
    • “shaders/defaultrendering.cgfx”
    • “shaders/standard.cgfx”
    • “textures/duck.png”
    • “models/duck.dae”
  2. We want to store the assets that we are mapping in the browser cache. For the purpose of this exercise, you should map the files to a directory called “staticmax/”, similar to the one in the sampleapp folder. The purpose of this folder is to indicate the files that you want the browser to cache for as long as possible.


Control of the browser cache is limited and there is no guarantee that cached files will still exist in the cache when the code requests that asset next time. This behavior is because the cache could have been filled, items removed or could have been automatically/manually emptied. Either way the default behavior is to use the cached file before falling back to requesting it from the file server.

  1. To ensure the files you are using don’t clash, you will give them unique names. How you generate these names is up to you and your build process, however it makes sense to generate these names when you convert your assets to Turbulenz compatible formats. Assuming you have just generated these new files, copy and rename each of your processed assets to your staticmax/ directory:

    • shaders/debug.cgfx.json -> staticmax/2Hohp_autOW0WbutP_NSUw.json
    • shaders/defaultrendering.cgfx.json -> staticmax/4HdTZBhuheSPYHe1vmygYA.json
    • shaders/standard.cgfx.json -> staticmax/5Yhd75LjDeV3WEvRsKnGSQ.json
    • textures/duck.png -> staticmax/f1Ay_x_BbiiUGm_qQdfSWQ.png
    • models/duck.dae.json -> staticmax/grhvty7RHO1eksdUf0wlAw.json

    Notice how the binary png file retains its extension. This is so that the mime-type of the file is retained and file type can be processed correctly. This allows you to view and disassemble assets in the local server.

  2. You should create a file called mapping_table.json in your *GAMEDIR* directory with the following content:

        "urnmapping": {
            "shaders/debug.cgfx": "2Hohp_autOW0WbutP_NSUw.json",
            "shaders/defaultrendering.cgfx": "4HdTZBhuheSPYHe1vmygYA.json",
            "shaders/standard.cgfx": "5Yhd75LjDeV3WEvRsKnGSQ.json",
            "textures/duck.png": "f1Ay_x_BbiiUGm_qQdfSWQ.png",
            "models/duck.dae": "grhvty7RHO1eksdUf0wlAw.json"
        "version": 1.0


You do NOT need to append staticmax/ to the front of your assets, the mapping table API will do this for you.

  1. Now that the files have been “processed”, you need to load and read the table. In the samples you might see something similar to the following code:

    var mappingTable;
    var mappingTableReceived = function mappingTableReceivedFn(mappingTable)
        textureManager.setPathRemapping(mappingTable.urlMapping, mappingTable.assetPrefix);
        shaderManager.setPathRemapping(mappingTable.urlMapping, mappingTable.assetPrefix);
        soundManager.setPathRemapping(mappingTable.urlMapping, mappingTable.assetPrefix);
        sceneLoader.setPathRemapping(mappingTable.urlMapping, mappingTable.assetPrefix);
    var gameSessionCreated = function gameSessionCreatedFn(gameSession)
        mappingTable = TurbulenzServices.createMappingTable(gameSession,
    var gameSession = TurbulenzServices.createGameSession(gameSessionCreated);

    You cannot request any assets until this loadAssets function is called. Here is an example loadAssets function:

    var renderer;
    var scene = Scene.create(mathDevice);
    var sceneLoader = SceneLoader.create();
    var loadAssets = function loadAssetsFn()
        // Start loading assets
        // Renderer for the scene.
        renderer = DefaultRendering.create(graphicsDevice,
        renderer.setGlobalLightPosition(mathDevice.v3Build(0.5, 100.0, 0.5));
        renderer.setAmbientColor(mathDevice.v3Build(0.3, 0.3, 0.4));
        // Load objects into the scene using a scene loader
            scene : scene,
            assetPath : "models/duck.dae",
            graphicsDevice : graphicsDevice,
            textureManager : textureManager,
            effectManager : effectManager,
            shaderManager : shaderManager,
            requestHandler: requestHandler,
            append : false,
            dynamic : true
  2. When you have added the code to your application you should be able to run the development version (See Creating a Turbulenz Application for help on building).

  3. Add your game to the local server (See Creating a Turbulenz Application) and then look at the metrics page. You should be able to see that the files requested were from the staticmax/ folder!

Combining a mapping table with resources in the staticmax directory allows you to select which assets to cache without your game code understanding the file structure that exists on the server. You may use multiple mapping tables in your game, for example to group files (per level) or to provide multiple file aliases.

13.10. Adding Profiles to a Mapping Table

The maptool command can be used to manipulate mapping_table.json, adding profiles as part of an asset build. See The MappingTable Object for a description of how profiles are used.

maptool is designed for the case where a primary build generaes some default assets, and secondary build generates assets intended to be used instead of the default set under certain conditions.

For example, if both the primary build generates some texture files:

    texture1_ae7646ef.png   (for asset 'texture1.png')
    texture2_e6a67fe4.png   (for asset 'texture2.png')

and a secondary build, intended for high resolution displays, generates:

    texture1_hires_d64eb8a0.png (for asset 'texture1.png')
    texture2_hires_37df4f8e.png (for asset 'texture2.png')

then mapping_table_hires.json can be merged into mapping_table.json as a profile called ‘hires’ with the following command:

maptool -o mapping_table_final.json --profile hires,mapping_table_hires.json

This results in a file mapping_table_final.json where the default profile points to texture1_ae7646ef.png and texture2_e6a67fe4.png, and the ‘hires’ profile points to texture1_hires_d64eb8a0.png and texture2_hires_37df4f8e.png.

13.11. Debugging a Mapping Table

If you have generated a mapping table and your assets don’t appear in your game, you might need to debug the mapping table. These steps will also apply to mapping tables generated in code, such as the variable mapping in the Sample App. It is useful to see the requests that are being made for assets to ensure those assets exist; some of the loading code may be attempting to load references in files that don’t exist or are not used. Here are a few methods you can try:

Pass a custom request function:

A few of the JavaScript APIs provided allow a custom “request” function to be passed in as a parameter. This includes the resourceloader from jslib and sceneloader from the sample scripts. By overloading this function you can track the asset requests as they are made. The following code will allow you to track which files are requested and what they are remapped to:

var urlMapping = {
    "shaders/debug.cgfx" : "2Hohp_autOW0WbutP_NSUw.json",
    "shaders/defaultrendering.cgfx" : "4HdTZBhuheSPYHe1vmygYA.json",
    "shaders/standard.cgfx" : "5Yhd75LjDeV3WEvRsKnGSQ.json"

var missingMapping = [];
function addMissingMappingFn(assetName)
    missingMapping[missingMapping.length] = assetName;

var request = function requestFn(assetName, onload)
    return TurbulenzEngine.request(mappingTable.getURL(assetName, addMissingMappingFn), onload);

You can then print the missingMapping variables or debug the code at different stages and view the variables in the watch list.


Not all APIs that use TurbulenzEngine.request support passing of custom request functions. You may be required to debug these manually.

View the requests for file in the Local Server:

When you run the local server (See The Local Development Server), the console window will output logging information that may useful. This includes HTTP requests for files with the resulting error codes, such as:

404:Not Found
304:Not Modified

The results will help you identify which files have failed to be served, which are missing and which already exist.

If you flush your browser cache and run your game again, you should see the requests being made.