Turbulenz 0.28.0 documentation
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1. Latest Release Notes
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Welcome to the Turbulenz documentation!
1. Latest Release Notes
1.1. Turbulenz SDK 0.28.0
2. Installing the SDK
2.1. Installation steps
2.2. Running the Turbulenz SDK
2.3. Verifying the Install
2.4. Running a Sample
3. Support
3.1. Turbulenz Documentation
3.2. Turbulenz Engine Users Group
3.3. Contributing
4. Supported Platforms and Browsers
4.1. End Users
4.2. Developers
5. Getting Started Guide
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Creating a Turbulenz Application
5.3. Debugging
5.4. Assets
5.5. TypeScript
5.6. Rebuilding an Application
6. Recommendations
6.1. Web Browser & Debugger
6.2. Code Verification
6.3. Minimization and Compression
6.4. Editor/IDE
6.5. TypeScript
7. Turbulenz Game Engine
7.1. Runtime API Overview
7.2. Offline Tools
7.3. Templating and the Build Tools
7.4. Game Project Recommendations
7.5. Coding
8. Turbulenz Platform
8.1. Overview
9. Turbulenz Local Server User Guide
9.1. Introduction
9.2. What is the Turbulenz Local Server?
9.3. Getting Started
9.4. Exploring Features
9.5. Common Usage
9.6. Additional Information
9.7. Troubleshooting
10. Turbulenz Hub User Guide
10.1. Introduction
10.2. What is the Hub?
10.3. How do I?
10.4. Additional Information
10.5. Troubleshooting
11. Debugging Game Code
11.1. Configuring Firebug
11.2. Using Firebug to Debug JavaScript
11.3. Finding Errors Using Firebug
11.4. Debugging Tips
12. Turbulenz Game Services
12.1. Turbulenz Services JavaScript Library
13. Assets
13.1. Running the Tools
13.2. Using the Asset Viewer
13.3. Using the Asset Disassembler
13.4. Convert a Collada Model to JSON
13.5. Convert a CgFX Shader to JSON
13.6. Add Assets to an Archive
13.7. Loading Assets Using Callbacks
13.8. Considerations for Asset Serving
13.9. Creating a Mapping Table
13.10. Adding Profiles to a Mapping Table
13.11. Debugging a Mapping Table
14. Asset Pipelines and Formats
14.1. The Scene Pipeline
14.2. The Animation Pipeline
14.3. The Shader Pipeline
14.4. The Turbulenz Engine Asset Formats
15. JavaScript Development Guide
15.1. Introduction
15.2. Terminology
15.3. Basics
15.4. Performance Techniques
15.5. Profiling JavaScript
15.6. Memory Analysis
16. Games Development
16.1. Improving Download Speed
16.2. Developing Multiplayer Networked Games
16.3. Testing Multiple User Accounts
16.4. Handling Browser Usage
17. Low Level API
17.1. The DrawParameters Object
17.2. The TurbulenzEngine Object
17.3. The GraphicsDevice Object
17.4. The IndexBuffer Object
17.5. The InputDevice Object
17.6. The MathDevice Object
17.7. The Maths Objects
17.8. The NetworkDevice Object
17.9. The OcclusionQuery Object
17.10. The RenderBuffer Object
17.11. The RenderTarget Object
17.12. The Semantics Object
17.13. The Shader Object
17.14. The Technique Object
17.15. The Sound Object
17.16. The SoundDevice Object
17.17. The SoundEffect Object
17.18. The SoundEffectSlot Object
17.19. The SoundFilter Object
17.20. The Source Object
17.21. The TechniqueParameterBuffer Object
17.22. The TechniqueParameters Object
17.23. The Texture Object
17.24. The Touch Object
17.25. The TouchEvent Object
17.26. The VertexBuffer Object
17.27. The WebSocket Object
17.28. The
17.29. The Turbulenz Loader Object
17.30. The Video Object
18. Low Level 2D Physics API
18.1. The Arbiter Object
18.2. The Contact Object
18.3. The RigidBody Object
18.4. The Broadphase Object
18.5. The Broadphase Handle Object
18.6. The CollisionUtils Object
18.7. The Constraint Object
18.8. The Physics2DDebugDraw Object
18.9. The Physics2DDevice Object
18.10. The Material Object
18.11. The Shape Object
18.12. The World Object
19. Low Level 3D Physics API
19.1. The Character Object
19.2. The CollisionObject Object
19.3. The Constraint Object
19.4. The DynamicsWorld object
19.5. The PhysicsDevice Object
19.6. The RayHit Object
19.7. The RigidBody Object
19.8. The Shape Object
19.9. The TriangleArray Object
19.10. The Contact Object
20. Low Level Particle System API
20.1. The TextureEncode Object
20.2. The SharedRenderContext Object
20.3. The ParticleBuilder Object
20.4. The ParticleSystem Object
20.5. The ParticleGeometry Object
20.6. The ParticleUpdater Interface
20.7. The ParticleRenderer Interface
20.8. The ParticleSynchronizer Interface
20.9. The ParticleEmitter Interface
20.10. The ParticleView Object
20.11. The ParticleRenderable Object
21. High Level API
21.1. The AABBTree Object
21.2. The Animation Objects
21.3. The AnimationManager Object
21.4. The AssetTracker Object
21.5. The BoxTree Object
21.6. The Camera Object
21.7. The CameraController Object
21.8. The Canvas Object
21.9. The CanvasContext Object
21.10. The CharacterController Object
21.11. The DebuggingTools Object
21.12. The DefaultRendering Object
21.13. The DeferredRendering Object
21.14. The Draw2DSprite Object
21.15. The Draw2D object
21.16. The Effect Object
21.17. The EffectManager Object
21.18. The Floor Object
21.19. The FontManager Object
21.20. The Font Object
21.21. The ForwardRendering Object
21.22. The Geometry Object
21.23. The GeometryInstance Object
21.24. The IndexBufferManager Object
21.25. The JSProfiling Object
21.26. The Light Object
21.27. The LightInstance Object
21.28. The LoadingScreen Object
21.29. The Material Object
21.30. The MathDeviceConvert Object
21.31. The NetworkLatencyBehavior Object
21.32. The NetworkLatencySimulator Object
21.33. The Observer Object
21.34. The PhysicsManager Object
21.35. The PostEffects Object
21.36. The Profile Object
21.37. The Reference Object
21.38. The Renderable Interface
21.39. The RequestHandler Object
21.40. The ResourceLoader Object
21.41. The AssetCache Object
21.42. The Scene Object
21.43. The SceneNode Object
21.44. The ShaderManager Object
21.45. The ShadowMapping Object
21.46. The ShadowMap Object
21.47. The SoundManager Object
21.48. The Surface Object
21.49. The TextureEffects Object
21.50. The TextureInstance Object
21.51. The TextureManager Object
21.52. The VertexBufferManager Object
21.53. The VMath Object
22. High Level Particle System API
22.1. The ParticleManager Object
22.2. The ParticleInstance Object
22.3. The ParticleArchetype Object
23. Turbulenz Services API
23.1. The TurbulenzServices Object
23.2. The Turbulenz Services Assets
23.3. The Turbulenz Services Game Data
23.4. The ServiceRequester Object
23.5. The On Screen Display Library
23.6. The Turbulenz Bridge
23.7. The GameSession Object
23.8. The MappingTable Object
23.9. The MultiPlayerSession Object
23.10. The MultiPlayerSessionManager Object
23.11. The UserDataManager Object
23.12. The LeaderboardManager Object
23.13. The LeaderboardResult Object
23.14. The BadgeManager Object
23.15. The StoreManager Object
23.16. The UserProfile Object
23.17. The GameProfileManager Object
23.18. The DataShareManager Object
23.19. The DataShare Object
23.20. The NotificationsManager Object
23.21. The CustomMetricEventBatch Object
24. Protolib API
24.1. The Protolib Object
24.2. The MeshWrapper Object
24.3. The SoundWrapper Object
24.4. The PointLightWrapper Object
24.5. The SpotLightWrapper Object
25. Tools
25.1. Viewer
25.2. Disassembler
25.3. maketzjs
25.4. strip-debug
25.5. makehtml
25.6. json2json
25.7. json2tar
25.8. json2stats
25.9. xml2json
25.10. json2txt
25.11. dae2json
25.12. obj2json
25.13. material2json
25.14. effect2json
25.15. bmfont2json
25.16. maptool
25.17. Standard Asset Tool Options
25.18. cgfx2json
25.19. deploygame
25.20. exportevents
26. The Turbulenz Developer Client
26.1. Introduction
26.2. Android
26.3. iOS
26.4. Payment Services
27. Conventions
28. Changelog
28.1. Version 1.x-dev
28.2. Version 1.31
28.3. Version 1.3
28.4. Version 1.2
28.5. Version 1.1
28.6. Version 1.0
29. Contributors
29.1. Maintainers
29.2. Contributors
30. Known Issues
30.1. Known Issues
30.2. nVidia Driver - Multiple Render Targets
30.3. Running in Process
31. Archived Release Notes
31.1. Turbulenz SDK 0.27.0
31.2. Turbulenz SDK 0.26.1
31.3. Turbulenz SDK 0.26.0
31.4. Turbulenz SDK 0.25.1
31.5. Turbulenz SDK 0.25.0
31.6. Turbulenz SDK 0.24.1
31.7. Turbulenz SDK 0.24.0
31.8. Turbulenz SDK 0.23.1
31.9. Turbulenz SDK 0.23.0
31.10. Turbulenz SDK 0.22.1
31.11. Turbulenz SDK 0.22.0
31.12. Turbulenz SDK 0.21.3
31.13. Turbulenz SDK 0.21.2
31.14. Turbulenz SDK 0.21.1
31.15. Turbulenz SDK 0.21.0
31.16. Turbulenz SDK 0.20.3
31.17. Turbulenz SDK 0.20.2
31.18. Turbulenz SDK 0.20.1
31.19. Turbulenz SDK 0.20.0
31.20. Turbulenz SDK 0.19.0
31.21. Turbulenz SDK 0.18.0
31.22. Turbulenz SDK 0.17.0
31.23. Turbulenz SDK 0.16.0
31.24. Turbulenz SDK 0.15.0
31.25. Turbulenz SDK 0.14.0
31.26. Turbulenz SDK 0.13.0
31.27. Turbulenz SDK 0.12.0
31.28. Turbulenz SDK 0.11.0
31.29. Turbulenz SDK 0.10.0
31.30. Turbulenz SDK 0.9.0
31.31. Turbulenz SDK 0.8.0
31.32. Turbulenz SDK 0.7.0
31.33. Turbulenz SDK 0.6.0
31.34. Turbulenz SDK 0.5.1
31.35. Turbulenz SDK 0.5.0
Turbulenz 0.28.0 documentation