This object contains a set of functions for converting from MathDevice objects to JavaScript arrays (returned by VMath function calls and JSON.parse) and vice versa. These functions should be used carefully as the conversion from MathDevice objects to VMath objects is a slow operation. In most cases it is best to use avoid conversion by continuing to use the same library.
Required scripts
The MathDeviceConvert object requires:
/*{{ javascript("jslib/utilities.js") }}*/
Converting from MathDevice objects to JavaScript Arrays
It is not required to call these functions when using MathDevice objects for arguments to VMath functions (see VMath compatibility with MathDevice objects).
Converting from JavaScript Arrays to MathDevice objects
You can convert from JavaScript arrays (returned by VMath function calls and JSON.parse) to MathDevice objects using apply. For example:
var jsV3 = VMath.v3Build(1, 2, 3);
var v3Build = mathDevice.v3Build;
v3 = v3Build.apply(mathDevice, jsV3);
This conversion will only work with JavaScript arrays (this will fail if jsV3 is actually a MathDevice object). If the argument is a MathDevice object then you should be using a copy function (mathDevice.v3Copy) instead. If a MathDevice destination object is available use:
var jsV3 = VMath.v3Build(1, 2, 3);
v3 = MathDeviceConvert.arrayToV3(mathDevice, jsV3, mathDeviceV3);
These conversions are slow operations and should be avoided where possible. For example, the examples above can be replaced with:
v3 = mathDevice.v3Build(1, 2, 3);
// or
v3 = mathDevice.v3Build(1, 2, 3, mathDeviceV3);
Returns a JavaScript array of length 2 with the values from a Vector2 object. This function is slow and its use should be avoided where possible.
jsArray = MathDeviceConvert.v2ToArray(vector);
Returns a JavaScript array object of length 2.
Returns a Vector2 object with the values from a JavaScript array. This function is slow and its use should be avoided where possible.
destination = MathDeviceConvert.arrayToV2(mathDevice, jsVector, destination);
Returns a Vector2 object.
Returns a JavaScript array of length 3 with the values from a Vector3 object. This function is slow and its use should be avoided where possible.
jsArray = MathDeviceConvert.v3ToArray(vector);
Returns a JavaScript array object of length 3.
Returns a Vector3 object with the values from a JavaScript array. This function is slow and its use should be avoided where possible.
destination = MathDeviceConvert.arrayToV3(mathDevice, jsVector, destination);
Returns a Vector3 object.
Returns a JavaScript array of length 4 with the values from a Vector4 object. This function is slow and its use should be avoided where possible.
jsArray = MathDeviceConvert.v4ToArray(vector);
Returns a JavaScript array object of length 4.
Returns a Vector4 object with the values from a JavaScript array. This function is slow and its use should be avoided where possible.
destination = MathDeviceConvert.arrayToV4(mathDevice, jsVector, destination);
Returns a Vector4 object.
Returns a JavaScript array of length 4 with the values from a Quaternion object. This function is slow and its use should be avoided where possible.
jsArray = MathDeviceConvert.quatToArray(quat);
Returns a JavaScript array object of length 4.
Returns a Quat object with the values from a JavaScript array. This function is slow and its use should be avoided where possible.
destination = MathDeviceConvert.arrayToQuat(mathDevice, jsQuat, destination);
Returns a Quat object.
Returns a JavaScript array of length 7 with the values from a QuatPos object. This function is slow and its use should be avoided where possible.
jsArray = MathDeviceConvert.quatPosToArray(quatPos);
Returns a JavaScript array object of length 7.
Returns a QuatPos object with the values from a JavaScript array. This function is slow and its use should be avoided where possible.
destination = MathDeviceConvert.arrayToQuatPos(mathDevice, jsQuatPos, destination);
Returns a QuatPos object.
Returns a JavaScript array of length 6 with the values from an AABB object. This function is slow and its use should be avoided where possible.
jsArray = MathDeviceConvert.aabbToArray(aabb);
Returns a JavaScript array object of length 6.
Returns a JavaScript array object of length 7.
Returns a AABB object with the values from a JavaScript array. This function is slow and its use should be avoided where possible.
destination = MathDeviceConvert.arrayToAABB(mathDevice, jsAABB, destination);
Returns a AABB object.
Returns a JavaScript array of length 9 with the values from an Matrix33 object. This function is slow and its use should be avoided where possible.
jsArray = MathDeviceConvert.m33ToArray(m33);
Returns a JavaScript array object of length 9.
Returns a Matrix33 object with the values from a JavaScript array. This function is slow and its use should be avoided where possible.
destination = MathDeviceConvert.arrayToM33(mathDevice, jsM33, destination);
Returns a Matrix33 object.
Returns a JavaScript array of length 12 with the values from an Matrix43 object. This function is slow and its use should be avoided where possible.
jsArray = MathDeviceConvert.m43ToArray(m43);
Returns a JavaScript array object of length 12.
Returns a Matrix43 object with the values from a JavaScript array. This function is slow and its use should be avoided where possible.
destination = MathDeviceConvert.arrayToM43(mathDevice, jsM43, destination);
Returns a Matrix43 object.
Returns a JavaScript array of length 12 with the values from an Matrix34 object. This function is slow and its use should be avoided where possible.
jsArray = MathDeviceConvert.m34ToArray(m34);
Returns a JavaScript array object of length 12.
Returns a JavaScript array of length 16 with the values from an Matrix44 object. This function is slow and its use should be avoided where possible.
jsArray = MathDeviceConvert.m44ToArray(m44);
Returns a JavaScript array object of length 16.
Returns a Matrix44 object with the values from a JavaScript array. This function is slow and its use should be avoided where possible.
destination = MathDeviceConvert.arrayToM44(mathDevice, jsM44, destination);
Returns a Matrix44 object.