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6. Recommendations

As technology and tools are updated, so too will the recommendations for development environment. Turbulenz aim to recommend versions of various third party tools and services that are the most stable, reliable and representative of the final product for development of your projects.

6.1. Web Browser & Debugger

The web browser is the focus point for development. Games developed using Turbulenz are run, debugged and profiled from the web browser. Although performance of the browsers in release mode is relatively consistent. Most JavaScript debuggers are either integrated into the browser or add-ons. These debuggers allow developers to pause execution, step through code, inspect variables and execute functions via the console.

Supported Development Platforms:
Mac:10.7 and above
Linux:(Alpha) Ubuntu 12 (64 bit)

Turbulenz recommends for debugging in debug mode:

For canvas configurations: Chrome with Developer Tools (built-in)

  • In canvas 3D (WebGL), Chrome offers the best performance.

  • Chrome’s tools also includes a heap snapshot feature for looking at memory usage.

  • Alternative(s)
    Windows:Firefox with the latest Firebug
    Mac:Safari 5.1, 6.0 with Web Inspector (built-in)

6.2. Code Verification

Ensuring accurate JavaScript code is written before runtime is an important step when developing with JavaScript. There are a number of tools that are designed to inspect code and check syntax. Turbulenz recommends for code verification:

TypeScript (Described in more detail below)
  • The original code quality tool written by JSON creator, Douglas Crockford.
  • Version: 2010-01-04
  • Url:


These tools can be run on JavaScript code in many ways:
  • Directly on the site.
  • From the command line using Node.js
  • From the command line using cscript (Windows script host)(JSHint)
  • Integrated into IDEs and editors (Both are now shipped in Komodo Edit 7)

Turbulenz engine code and some of our samples application code is statically typed and verified by TypeScript. All other JavaScript code is checked with JSHint as part of an automated build. We recommend our developers follow similar procedures to ensure code quality. Throughout the Turbulenz code you may find JSLint/JSHint directives, for example:

/*jshint bitwise: false*/


/*global Camera: false*/

These are understood by the JSLint/JSHint processing tools and are used to give the tool extra information. For more information see and

6.3. Minimization and Compression

For JavaScript code optimization, a minimization tool is required that combines speed with accurate optimization. Choosing an appropriate minimizer improves the workflow of developing and ensures that the code will run as expected on the Turbulenz JavaScript engine. Turbulenz recommends for minimization:



Requires Node.js - to be run from the command line.

6.4. Editor/IDE

To edit JavaScript code for Turbulenz applications, there are very few restrictions. The choice of editor should meet your development needs and include the features you require. Turbulenz recommend using an editor with a minimum of JavaScript syntax highlighting, code verification options and external command execution. If you are looking for a basic editor to try, Turbulenz recommends:

Komodo Edit

6.5. TypeScript

From version 0.25.0 of the SDK we are gradually adopting TypeScript ( for internal development. TypeScript is a set of language extensions to JavaScript for specifying type information, which can be used by compilers to detect more programming errors, and by IDEs to offer better code completion and other contextual functionality.


Developers wishing to continue using JavaScript will be able to do so in exactly the same way as with previous versions of the SDK. The runtime engine will always be available as a plain JavaScript library.

There are several advantages, and some disadvantages of adopting TypeScript:


  • Static typing detects a much larger class of coding errors than linters. This includes many problems that, with pure JavaScript, would only show up if and when the appropriate code path was executed. As well as checking that the correct types are used in the appropriate places, static typing with TypeScript allows:
    • detection of errors in property and variable names, either due to typos or API changes
    • checks for missing / extra function parameters
    • protection of methods and properties from external access by declaring them private
    • renaming of members, properties and functions with confidence that all uses have also been fixed
    • easy and effective class inheritance
  • Tools and IDEs can provide much better contextual help (method and member name completion, on-the-fly error detection, etc).


  • Code seen in the debugger is generated code, not the original source. Note that this situation is improving with Code Maps (designed specifically for showing original source while debugging generated code) supported by the TypeScript compiler, and a growing number of browsers.
  • A build step is always required after changes are made to source files. With JavaScript alone, code changes are reflected immediately in canvas-debug builds.
  • Not all editing environments that support JavaScript provide the same level of functionality for TypeScript.
  • Some TypeScript language features introduce extra code into the generated output which can affect performance. This appears to be limited to variadic arguments (which introduce copy loops at the top of the relevant functions) but we recommend that developers be vigilant and inspect the generated code, particularly while they first start using TypeScript.

Overall, we believe that TypeScript addresses many of the larger problems of developing complex applications in JavaScript. The productivity and stability gains are worth the relatively low cost of adoption.


We encourage developers to try out evaluate TypeScript for their projects. We will gradually be making more tools available as part of our technology offering to make it easy to adopt TypeScript for new projects and provide an easy transition path for existing games.

The TypeScript source code for the engine is located in the tslib directory of the SDK install. For applications that have been ported to TypeScript, the source is located in tsscripts under the application’s root directory. In general, code has been generated into the locations one would expect to find the source files of a JavaScript project.

A new directory jslib-modular contains the same engine code as jslib, divided into larger modules. Each .js file has an accompanying .d.ts file containing the TypeScript type declarations for that module. Developers wishing to write their applications in TypeScript can use these declaration files to validate their code. Developers are also free to build their applications against the .js files in this directory, or individual files in jslib. The Turbulenz samples and applications use jslib version of the engine.


Turbulenz uses a modified version of the TypeScript compiler.

This version has some extra command line flags for controlling error reporting, and generates slightly cleaner JavaScript. All the code and declarations provided as part of the Turbulenz SDK will work with the vanilla version of the compiler.