The ServiceRequester object provides a layer for catching and handling 503 Service Unavailable HTTP status codes. These errors can occur when our services are temporarily disabled or taken down for maintenance. If a service is disabled the ServiceRequester object will:
See the example for a more detailed description.
You can get the ServiceRequester object from the service property on our service managers or from the TurbulenzServices.getService function.
Supported services
The current supported services are:
The ServiceRequester objects are shared for each instance of these managers.
leaderboardManager.service.onServiceUnavailable = function onServiceUnavailableFn() {
document.write(this.serviceName + ' service is unavailable');
leaderboardManager.service.onServiceAvailable = function onServiceUnavailableFn() {
document.write(this.serviceName + ' service is available');
var leaderboardsSetCB = function leaderboardsSetCBFn(key, score, newBest, bestScore)
document.write('Score has been set');
var errorCallbackFn = function leaderboardsSetErrorCBFn(msg, status)
document.write('HTTP Error ' + status);
leaderboardManager.set(key, score, leaderboardsSetCB, errorCallbackFn);
If the service is down for a long period (for example 10 minutes) then you should expect the following:
A JavaScript string. The name of the service. This is for developers and should not be directly displayed.
var serviceName = ServiceRequester.serviceName;
A JavaScript boolean. True, if the service is running, false, if the service is unavailable.
if (!serviceRequester.running)
If this is true it does not mean that the service will still be available when a request to the service is made.
A JavaScript function. This function is called when a service is re-enabled.
serviceRequester.onServiceAvailable = function onServiceAvailableFn() {
Utilties.log(this.serviceName + ' is available');