Added SDK 0.28.0
The ParticleArchetype is used to fully describe a particle system for use with the ParticleManager. An archetype is constructed from an easily serializable data description, whose format is described as below.
Serialization and deserialization of the archetypes should be done using the methods on ParticleManager which will both serialize and compress the archetype description to reduce file sizes.
// Properties of the ParticleSystem
system: {
center : [0, 0, 0],
halfExtents : [1, 1, 1],
zSorted : false,
maxSortSteps : 136,
trackingEnabled: false
// Properties of the ParticleRenderer
renderer: {
name: "default"
.. renderer parameters
// Properties of the ParticleUpdater
updater: {
name: "default"
.. updater parameters
// Properties of the ParticleSynchronizer
synchronizer: {
name: "default"
.. synchronization parameters
// Animation system definition.
animationSystem: "default",
// Pre-packed textures.
packedTexture0: null,
packedTextureN: null
// Particle descriptions.
particles: {
"particle-name": {
// Particle animation definition.
animation: null,
// Particle animation tweaks.
tweaks: null,
// Per particle textures when not using pre-packed textures.
texture0: null,
texture4: null,
// Per particle uv-maps when using pre-packed textures.
texture-uv0: null,
texture-uvN: null
// ParticleEmitter descriptions.
emitters: [
name: "default",
... emitter parameters
This data description does not require every field to be specified, as part of this data-driven API, the individual components of the particle systems will verify the structure of the input description, filling in missing fields with default values and reporting useful errors and/or warnings when the input description is in error.
The values shown above, are the basic default values for an archetype description.
Parameters of the ParticleSystems that will be created for an instance of this archetype.
The maximum number of particles the system will be able to hold. The absolute maximum value for this property is 65536.
If unspecified, this value will be computed from the archetype emitters.
The maximum speed (in local coordinates) achievable for a particle in the system. This field is required to define a suitable normalization of particle velocities into texture storage for the GPU.
If unspecified, this value will be computed from the archetype emitters.
The maximum time for which any particle in the system will be able to live for. This field is required to define a suitable normalization of particle life-times into texture storage for the GPU.
If unspecified, this value will be computed from the archetype emitters.
If true, then particles are able to be co-simulated on the CPU when requested. This will enable more complex emitters to function.
No pre-defined emitter requires this.
Parameters of the ParticleRenderer that will be used for this archetype.
Other parameters for this object depend on the specific ParticleRenderer in use.
By default, there are 4 registered renderers defined for a manager:
A DefaultParticleRenderer using the alpha blend-mode.
Same as “default”.
A DefaultParticleRenderer using the additive blend-mode.
A DefaultParticleRenderer using the opaque blend-mode.
The parameters supported for the archetype by these renderers are listed and described here. You may also find its createUserData function to be useful.
Parameters of the ParticleUpdater that will be created for this archetype.
By default, there is a single updater defined for a manager:
The parameters supported for the archetype by this updater are listed and described here. You may also find use of its createUserData function to be useful.
Parameters of the ParticleSynchronizer that will be created for each system of this archetype.
By default, there is a single synchronizer defined for a manager.
The parameters supported for the archetype by this synchronizer are listed and described here.
The animation system used by particle animations in the archetype.
By default, there is a single animation system compatible with all pre-defined updaters and renderers.
The default animation system, as specified here
These parameters of the archetype can be used to specify that pre-packed textures exist containing all flip-book animations of every particle in the archetype, and that this texture should be used in-place of run-time packed textures generated by the manager.
Indices should match the particle animation system in use, noting that packedTexture0 is permitted to be defined by the name packedTexture instead.
If a packed texture is defined, then particles in the archetype will be permitted to have a corresponding texture-uv0..N field specifying a normalized uv-rectangle of the packed texture to be used in re-mapping particle animation uv-rectangles as described in ParticleBuilder.compiler (uvMap parameter). If this field is not specified then [0, 0, 1, 1] will be implied, indicating the particle animation is already aware of how the textures are packed.
If a packed texture is not specified, then particles in the archetype should themselves specify the textures to be used for that particle that the manager may pack them at run-time.
A dictionary of named particle animations usable by the particle system.
Each field of this object is the name of the particle to be referenced by emitters, and a description of that particle with the following fields:
The name of a registered particle animation in the manager. The default particle animation is a single frame animation specifying no attribute values (Indicating the system defaults will be filled in). This animation will have a reported life time of 0.
Particle animations are described in ParticleBuilder.compile (particles parameter).
A normalized uv-rectangle describing the sub-set of the packed texture to which this particles defined animation uv-rectangles should be mapped to as described in ParticleBuilder.compile uvMap parameter.
If using a corresponding packed texture, and this field is omitted, then [0, 0, 1, 1] will be used.
If not using a corresponding packed texture, this field must not be present.
A texture to be used for this individual particle including its entire flip-book animation if applicable.
This field must not be present if using packed textures.
This fields value should be a string specifying the path to the texture used for this particle.
If not using a corresponding packed texture, and this field is omitted, then the TextureManager default texture will be used.
An array of ParticleEmitters for this particle system archetype.
By default, there is a single emitter defined for a manager:
The parameters supported for the archetype by this emitter are listed and described here.